Functional Skills

Excellent core skills in English and maths are an essential part of working professionally and are embedded throughout apprenticeships. Key English and maths concepts are part of working life, and our tutors are skilled at identifying learning opportunities as they present themselves.

If completing Functional Skills qualifications has been identified as part of your own apprenticeship journey, you will receive focused training to help you achieve.

Level 2 Apprentices

You will need to achieve maths and English to a minimum of Level 1 (this is the equivalent to GCSE grade D-G (1-3)).

Level 3, 4 and 5 Apprentices

You will need to achieve maths and English to Level 2 (this is the equivalent to GCSE grade C (4) or above).

If you have already achieved either subject to the required level we will need to provide evidence of this to the funding body (ESFA). We may be able to obtain evidence by looking at your Learner Record Service account, however, if the achievement does not show and you are not able to produce suitable certification, you will be required to pass Functional Skills exams to the required level.


Your tutor will easily embed English throughout your apprenticeship when looking at the structure and content of the written work you produce.

You will be required to achieve your English Functional Skills qualification before the end of your apprenticeship if you are not exempt,

The final assessment for the English qualification consists of the following components:

  • Reading exam – 1 hour
  • Writing exam – 1 hour
  • Speaking, Listening and Communication assessment – 20 minutes (plus preparation time)
    • Task 1 – 5 minute presentation
    • Task 2 – Take questions on your presentation
    • Task 3 – 5 minute group discussion


Your tutor will embed maths throughout your apprenticeship and will support your learning with worksheets, videos and practice questions.

You will be required to achieve your maths Functional Skills qualification before the end of your apprenticeship if you are not exempt.

The final assessment for the maths qualification consists of the following components:

  • Non-Calculator component – ½ hour
  • Calculator component – 1 ½ hours