Online Platform
Smart assessor is a holistic portfolio platform, all your resources, assignments, progress, meeting calendar and goals are stored in one place. No more ‘the dog ate my homework’! Learners, employers and tutors are all able to access the platform and contribute to the learner’s achievement.

You’ll use Smart Assessor to access remote training and it’s where we host a wide range of resources and activities to support your learning and enhance your skills.
It’s easy to log your 20% off the job activities on Smart Assessor too so you’ll stay on track to achieve your learning goals.
You will be given your login details before you have your induction so that you can log on and have a look around.
View our quick guide to Smart Assessor
We recognise that online learning isn’t for everyone. If this is the case don’t let this put you off, we can still support you, just let us know.
Remote Learning
Some of your teaching and learning sessions will be conducted online through Smart Assessor and for everyone’s comfort we have some behaviour expectations.
- Arrive ready to learn.
- Dress appropriately.
- Try to avoid eating whilst in a session.
- Stay seated and stay present for the duration of the session.
- Try to be in a quiet location where you will not be disturbed.
Online sessions are recorded for training and quality purposes. You will be notified if your session, or any part of it, is recorded.
If you do not wish the session to be recorded please notify your tutor, however, recorded sessions may be submissible as supporting evidence for your apprenticeship.
If you are attending an online assessment, it is a requirement of the Awarding Body to record the session, therefore, this is not optional. Recordings will be stored in line with our data protection policy which is available upon request.
Online Safety
Whilst working online it is important to keep yourself safe and we will help you to develop an objective attitude to online information and evaluate its authenticity. As part of your course you will receive relevant training so that you are able to work safely and effectively online.